Saturday, December 26
Write in Times New Roman size 12 and find 2-3 pictures. Send your article to this email.
Film Reviews: Phedias, Tasos (100-150 words)
Book Reviews: Phedias,Votsis + Alice, Nikolas Krstic (100-150 words)
Photos/Comics: Desen Kirli + Ege Tek
Poetry: Phedias, Nikolas Krstic
Music: George Mythillos, Votsis + Alice
Copenhagen Meeting: Tasos
Events: Panos
Drugs: Shant
Arts + Fashion: Andriana
Consuming and Xmas: Frixos
Current Affairs: Christos A.
Anyone else who wants to write an article is welcomed to do so.
Tuesday, December 15
Cinema this Thursday
We are going to watch the movie "Παράλληλα ταξίδια" ("Parallel routes")
The screening will take place at cinema PANTHEON (in the centre of Nicosia) this Thursday at 8. There will be English subtitles.
Here is the description:
Τα «Παράλληλα Ταξίδια» σχεδιάστηκαν και γυρίστηκαν όταν δεν υπήρχε η δυνατότητα επαφής ανάμεσα στα δυο κομμάτια της Κύπρου πέραν της διαχωριστικής γραμμής. Ο Πανίκκος Χρυσάνθου και ο Dervis Zaim έκαμαν ξεχωριστά γυρίσματα με βάση ένα κοινό σχέδιο: Να καταγράψουν και να φέρουν μαζί μέσα στην ταινία ανθρώπους και από τα δυο κομμάτια του νησιού μας, που ο πόλεμος άφησε σημάδια στο κορμί και στη ψυχή τους. Τα «Παράλληλα Ταξίδια» χωρίζονται σε δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο καταγράφεται η ιστορία δυο χωριών μέσα από την εμπειρία ανθρώπων που επέζησαν μιας σφαγής. Είναι το Παλαίκυθρο, όπου εχτελέστηκαν εν ψυχρώ δυο οικογένειες από Τουρκοκύπριους παραστρατιωτικούς. Και η Μαράθα-Αλόα-Σανταλάρης, όπου το σύνολο των γυναικοπαίδων σκοτώθηκαν από Ελληνοκύπριους παραστρατιωτικούς. Η ταινία είναι μια ανασύνθεση της μνήμης κι ένας στοχασμός πάνω στη βαρβαρότητα, το μίσος και τη συγχώρεση. Στο δεύτερο μέρος έχουμε δυο ζευγάρια θυμάτων του πολέμου: Δυο γυναίκες που έχασαν τα πιο αγαπημένα τους πρόσωπα, η μια τον πατέρα της κι η άλλη τον άντρα της. Και δυο άντρες, που ο πόλεμος ακρωτηρίασε το κορμί τους κι άλλαξε για πάντα τη ζωή τους. 2003. 125 λεπτά. Ελληνικοί και τούρκικοι διάλογοι με αγγλικούς υποτίτλους.
The "parallel Tours" were filmed when no contact was possible between the two parts of Cyprus beyond the Green Line. Panicos Chrysanthou and Dervis Zaim have made separate shooting behind a common project: to capture and bring together people in the film and the two parts of our island, that the war left scars on their body and soul. The "parallel Tours" are divided into two parts. The first is the recorded history of the villages through the experience of people who survived a massacre. It is Palaikythro where two families were killed by Turkish Cypriot paramilitaries And the Marathi-Aloa-Santalaris where all the women and children were killed by Greek Cypriot paramilitaries. The film is a reconstruction of memory and a meditation on the brutality, hatred and forgiveness. In the second part we have two pairs of victims of war: Two women who lost more loved ones, one's father and the other is her husband. And two men, that the war mutilated their bodies and changed their lives forever.
Wednesday, December 9
Tomorrow at Active:
Consumerism in our lives
The meeting will take place at SB16 (ICT Room) at 13.45
Wednesday, December 2
This Thursday at Active
"Power to people" - A 30 mins documentary on music piracy, the creation of large social websites like facebook, youtube, blogspots etc, and how do these affect ourselves and our societies.
After the screening we can have a discussion on the topic.
The meeting will take place at SB16 (ICT Room) at 13.45
Tuesday, November 24
This Thursday at Active
Wednesday, November 18
This Thursday at Active
the topic for discussion tomorrow at our meeting: Draft evasion and the army in Cyprus
The meeting will take place at SB16 (ICT Room) at 13.45
Wednesday, November 4
Monday, November 2
This Thursday at Active
the topic for discussion this Thursday at our meeting is Phaneromeni Square and generally the Old City of Nicosia which during the last month had a lot of publicity in the media (both negative and positive).
The meeting will take place at SB16 (ICT Room) at 13.45
See you there, Panos
Wednesday, October 7
Tuesday, September 29
Diversity Day Festival!
Dear Active Citizens,
Some of the activities sound very interesting (for example the “Live Library” and the performance by the group from Ghana).
I know that it is a short notice, but I believe that Active Citizenship could participate in many ways in the event. For example:
We could have our own stall there and distribute our material [our magazine, the article about multicultural education]. Saturday is a busy day in Makariou and I think it is a good opportunity to get to know more people and led people outside the school know what we are doing.
We could also write an article linking diversity with the last events in the old town (arrests of migrants by the police). Those of you, who are interested in writing a small article on that, please come into contact with Panos Achniotis ( In that case, we should have the article ready by Thursday, in order to send it by email to all of you and get feedback before we print it.
Any other ideas????
I suggest that we meet there at 14.00 and stay until 16.00.
Please send me your thoughts...
See you soon
Diversity Day Festival
3rd of October 2009
Venue: Archbishop Makarios Avenue 15, Hall of the National Bank of Greece
9.45: Press Conference with the E.U. Commissioner of Health Mrs Androula Vasileiou
11.00- 12.00: Workshop regarding the law on gender equality at work.
12.00 – 16.00: Live Library. A very progressive activity with people instead of books. People with diversity in age, psychical ability, religion, sexuality, health, family status, style etc. Every and each one of us is a book. Borrow a “live” book and ask him/her whatever you want in order to understand diversity.
11.00/13.50/15.30: Educational activities/games focusing on Human Rights for children between 7 and 13, parents, guardians and teachers by the Programme Compasito of the European Council.
Reading of the tale “To eftapodi” by famous actors/actresses of ANT1.
Screening of the documentaries
”A diverse society”
“Bom dia Alegria"
Venue: Archbishop Makarios Avenue 18, Zena Canther - Parking Place
Informational stalls from various organisations
Ability park
11.00 – 14.00: Live Broadcast - Deejay Radio
14.30- 16.00: Performance by the group New Age Dancers from Ghana.
Sunday, September 27
Vote for the Workshop theme!
There were many interesting proposed themes but we have chosen the four that are the most practical to be made and were proposed by many students.
You can only vote once, for just one theme.
Poll deadline in two weeks.
Tuesday, September 22
About our next meetings
2) From now on, our meetings will be held in the NEW LECTURE THEATER.
3) In every meeting there will be a differenet co-ordinator (a student) just so that we can have more efficient discussions. Usually one that presents a topic will be the co-ordinator.
4) Whoever is interested can bring any movies/documentaries in our next meeting so that we can arrange some dates to screen them.
This Thursday, we'll keep on with the school councils and strengthening students' rights and involvement in the school.
Thursday, September 17
Our first meeting!
Saturday, September 12
Thursday, August 27
Tuesday, August 25
Multicultural Education
Multicultural education is defined by the National Association for Multicultural Education as a “philosophical concept built on the ideals of freedom, justice, equality, equity, and human dignity as acknowledged in various documents, such as the U.S. Declaration of Independence, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations. It affirms our need to prepare student for their responsibilities in an interdependent world. It recognizes the role schools can play in developing the attitudes and values necessary for a democratic society. It values cultural differences and affirms the pluralism that students, their communities, and teachers reflect. It challenges all forms of discrimination in schools and society through the promotion of democratic principles of social justice.”
It is obvious that in a school like ours multicultural education is necessary as it includes both students and teachers coming from cultures like the Armenian, the Maronite and the Latin. So, the school has to make sure that it follows the policy of multicultural education, and offers an inclusive education for all students of the school regardless of their nation, race, or religious group.
How will multicultural education work?
The role of the students
A school that promotes multicultural education will certainly have to review its fundamental goals, structure, basic assumptions and perspectives of the curriculum. Firstly, the school will have to be a safe, shared, and managed place for all students. In classroom, students must learn to view issues from multiple perspectives, and to understand the principles of multiple identity. Students also need to learn the skills of critical thinking and active democratic citizenship.
These skills will certainly promote students into becoming intercultural citizens: that is having the ability to participate in controversial discussions, feeling comfortable and seeking interaction with people from other backgrounds, and having the ability to challenge racism and bigotry.
The role of the teachers
The role of the teachers is of high importance in a multicultural school. First of all, the teachers need to be trained in the pedagogical methods that foster integration so as to give the correct messages in the class regarding respect for diversity, equity and social justice issues. Secondly, the teachers should encourage interaction within the class by using a variety of methods that will encourage group interaction (e.g. debates, group projects etc). Teachers should also be prepared to discuss controversial issues in class when it is needed to do so, and always be ready to challenge any kind of bigotry and discrimination by students.
This of course does not mean indoctrination. This is a policy that comes completely in contrast with the ideals of a multicultural school. It is inevitable that political discussions will arise in the classrooms, and as students are allowed to express their opinion, teachers should also be allowed to do so, as long as they do not indoctrinate students (freedom of speech is a basic human right). Otherwise, critical thinking and active democratic citizenship will give their place to a ‘culture of silence’ where nothing is challenged and debated, and students are unable to fit in the real world when they leave school.
Why should we adopt multicultural education in our school?
The most fundamental reason for adopting multicultural education is that it promotes peaceful co-existence and respect both in the school, and in the society as students are the future citizens; this society is becoming more and more multicultural in all places of the world, including Cyprus, so this education will help students prepare for a better life. There are many more benefits arising from multicultural education. Students will acquire citizenship skills, they will learn to respect diversity, and they will become autonomous critical thinkers. The students will also gain from the interactions and friendships that develop from this education, as they will learn more about different cultures of the world. Lastly, multicultural education can really help in exterminating bigotry, racism, fanaticism, and extreme nationalism with no respect to diversity, something that will certainly help in the struggle of building peace and love in our society and across the whole world.
“Education shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups and shall further the activities of the UN for the maintenance of Peace” says Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations). It is now up to the school to proceed in the workings for adopting a fully multicultural education, leaving behind the old, conservative way of educating students that exists until today in Cyprus. It is the time to make a huge step forward for the good of all of us, and for strengthening the values of activism, of respect, of coexistence and peace in our school and in our society.
Active Citizenship Society
What we have done so far
We have met with young Italian people from the Youth Organization who visited Cyprus in November 2007. We had a joint workshop where we discussed various issues, including the Cyprus problem, and had a lot of fun at the same time. We have screened some documentaries and have had a lot of discussions in our weekly meetings. These discussions have varied from the Cyprus problem, the meaning of democracy, nationalism and communism/capitalism, the Olympic Games, graffiti, hooliganism, human rights, history teaching in schools, and school commemorations.
This year we published two issues of our own magazine called “The Active Citizenship Society” which we sold to students and staff in the school. The magazine gave us the chance to voice our views on a variety of burning issues and be heard.
We initiated the first ever Multicultural Week at the school, and screened two films during that week that focused on anti-racism and respect for diversity. With the occasion of the Multicultural Week we have also made and screened our own short documentary film on multiple identities in our school.
We have also had guest speakers, specialists in their fields, giving us presentations on pressing issues e.g. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, multicultural education.
Our meetings take place every Thursday at 2 o’clock and they are open for students of years 3-7. We look forward to meeting new members and getting active together for the good of the school and society.