Dear Active Citizens,
Some of the activities sound very interesting (for example the “Live Library” and the performance by the group from Ghana).
I know that it is a short notice, but I believe that Active Citizenship could participate in many ways in the event. For example:
We could have our own stall there and distribute our material [our magazine, the article about multicultural education]. Saturday is a busy day in Makariou and I think it is a good opportunity to get to know more people and led people outside the school know what we are doing.
We could also write an article linking diversity with the last events in the old town (arrests of migrants by the police). Those of you, who are interested in writing a small article on that, please come into contact with Panos Achniotis ( In that case, we should have the article ready by Thursday, in order to send it by email to all of you and get feedback before we print it.
Any other ideas????
I suggest that we meet there at 14.00 and stay until 16.00.
Please send me your thoughts...
See you soon
Diversity Day Festival
3rd of October 2009
Venue: Archbishop Makarios Avenue 15, Hall of the National Bank of Greece
9.45: Press Conference with the E.U. Commissioner of Health Mrs Androula Vasileiou
11.00- 12.00: Workshop regarding the law on gender equality at work.
12.00 – 16.00: Live Library. A very progressive activity with people instead of books. People with diversity in age, psychical ability, religion, sexuality, health, family status, style etc. Every and each one of us is a book. Borrow a “live” book and ask him/her whatever you want in order to understand diversity.
11.00/13.50/15.30: Educational activities/games focusing on Human Rights for children between 7 and 13, parents, guardians and teachers by the Programme Compasito of the European Council.
Reading of the tale “To eftapodi” by famous actors/actresses of ANT1.
Screening of the documentaries
”A diverse society”
“Bom dia Alegria"
Venue: Archbishop Makarios Avenue 18, Zena Canther - Parking Place
Informational stalls from various organisations
Ability park
11.00 – 14.00: Live Broadcast - Deejay Radio
14.30- 16.00: Performance by the group New Age Dancers from Ghana.