Sunday, February 21
Saturday, February 20
Workshop Programme
8.15 Departure
9.30 Arrival at the hotel
10.30 – 11.45 Session 1: Introduction to “Globalization and developing countries”
11.45- 12.00 Break
1200 – 13.15 Session 2 : Abuses of human rights in people’s movement: the case of women’s rights
13.15 Lunch
15.00 - 18.00 Session 3: Film screening: “Sex traffic”
18.00 - 19.00 Working groups
19.00 Dinner
8.00 Breakfast
9.30- 10.30 Session 4 – Children's rights in developing countries
10.30 – 10.45 Break
10.45 – 13.00 Working groups
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Departure
Wednesday, February 10
Workshop in Paphos
With this confirmation I state that I, the undersigned allow _________________________________ student in Class________ to participate in the weekend workshop (20th and 21st March 2010) of the English School “Active Citizenship” Society at Cypria Bay Hotel, Paphos.
Name of Parent/Guardian: _________________________________
Student’s mobile phone number: ____________________
Home telephone number: ____________________
Is the student a member of the “Active Citizenship” Society?YES
Date: ______________________________
Signed: Father/Mother/Guardian
Tuesday, February 9
Workshop in Paphos
Re: Workshop on “Famine and slavery in developing countries: focusing on children's and women's rights”
The English School “Active Citizenship” Society is organising a weekend workshop at Cypria Bay Hotel in Paphos for about 50 students of Year 4 -6.
The purpose of this workshop is for the students to become aware of the process of globalization and how this is related to the social and economic reality of the so called “developing” countries. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to discuss with experts issues such as the rights of children and women living in these countries. The detailed programme will be given to the students before the Workshop.
We will be leaving school by coach on Saturday 20th of March 2010 at 8:15 a.m. and returning on Sunday afternoon. The actual cost per student is expected to be around € 45 (includes accommodation at Cypria Bay Hotel, breakfast, two meals and transportation). The final price for the students will depend on the number of students and the extent of the subsidies received.
The students will be accompanied by members of staff.
Students should bring appropriate clothing.
Please complete the slip attached if you give permission to your son /daughter to attend the Workshop. The form should be returned to Mrs Evgenia Nikiforou, until Friday, 12th of February. For any additional information please contact Mrs Evgenia Nikiforou, tel. 22799300, during break time.
Wednesday, February 3
Tomorrow at Active
Money as Debt
trailer here:
See you there.