Wednesday, September 29

Next meeting

Hi everyone.

Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, 13.45 in Room SB16.

1. We will continue our discussion on uniform regulations and finalise our proposals, which will be sent to SLT/HT.

2. We will finalise the letter to the HT regarding the incident with the posters of the club.

3. Shere responsibilities

See you there

Evgenia N./Areti H.

Sunday, September 19

Children's Participation in Decision Making

Hope for Children—UNCRC Policy Centre, along with the NGO Support Centre, the Olive Branch Foundation and the Commissioner’s Office for Children’s Rights, is pleased to invite you to our conference:

“Children’s Participation in Decision Making”

at the Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC)

on September 25th 2010

from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The conference forms part of “The Children of Cyprus and Human Rights” project, supported by the EEA Grant. Speakers include representatives the Republic of Cyprus, the Separated Children in Europe Program (SCEP), Save the Children and Brunel University UK. The discussion will be followed by a workshop, which will include children, NGO workers, and teachers.

Through this conference, we aim to show how the participation of children in the decision-making process can be put into practice. It is addressed to everyone in roles of public leadership and service.

We will cover definitions and concepts of children’s participation and how this is stipulated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; the importance of children’s participation as well as when it is needed; how public leaders, such as legislators, administrators and the media, can play a tangible role in promoting children’s participation and improving it its efficacy.

We would be pleased and honored by your presence.

For further information and RSVP, please contact Hope for Children—UNCRC Policy Centre at on or call us at 22-103234.

If you could help us please let us know.

Kind regards

Joseph varughese

Tuesday, September 14

1st meeting!

Dear All,

We would like to welcome you to school and wish you a successful and active year.

Our first meeting for this year will take place on next Thursday, 16th of September in SB 16.

The first meeting includes:

1. Presentation about the club

2. Information about the new election system/Active's suggestions about student voice.

Please inform everyone you think is interested (especially 4th formers). Unfortunately, there is no way for us to infrom all students of Years 4-7, since there is no registration period anymore.

Looking forward to see you there

Evgenia Nikiforou and Areti Hadjigeorgiou